When should I begin writing inspirational poetry
In today’s multimedia age we are bombarded with a myriad of voices, all clamouring to be heard.

Advertisers aspire to tell us why our lives will be incomplete and unfulfilled without their product, oft assailing us visually in the process.

Politicians vie to convince us why their analysis is correct and their policies astute.

Exponents of the arts beam the unwholesome into our theatres, living rooms, cars and personal stereos.

And our peers may endeavour to exert influence over us to simply do what everyone else appears to be doing, regardless of whether the right thing to do.

These are but a few of the many voices we hear each day.  Yet is not their cumulative message – in terms of dishonesty, “spin”, profanity, sarcasm and the erosion of cherished moral values – so often an overwhelmingly negative one?

In light of this, is it not high time that those with a proven message of hope and encouragement took urgent steps to counteract the downward pull of so many of these voices?

As it has so wisely been said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing.”

So the short and simple answer to the question “When should I begin writing inspirational poetry?” is right now!

In today’s world there are so many tried, tested, hurting and lonely people – people who may be yearning for just the message you may be able to share.

For example, you write movingly of how you have personally faced and triumphed in very difficult circumstances.  Someone who is passing through exactly the same situation reads your poem, learns from your experience, and derives the needed strength to conquer in the face of adversity.  You may never meet this person, and yet you have helped him or her.

Have you a vibrant vision for the achievement of a worthy goal?  Why not share that vision that others, too, may catch it and lend a hand?

Or is there a cause you feel passionate about, but which seems unnoticed and unimportant to others?  Why not take the initiative and become a champion for that cause?

And poetry could be just the vehicle to further these goals.  Many people will read a poem about a topic who would be far less likely to read a newspaper article, political address or sermon about the same issue.

Poetry, too, has an appeal that transcends age, race, gender, religion, social class, political affiliation or educational background.

From the neighbour or friend who is blessed and helped by a poem you write, through to the potential millions who could be reached via the internet, an audience exists just waiting to be reached, and whose lives you could impact and change – for the better.

So what are you waiting for?!

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