The Unfailing Giver
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Every good and perfect gift comes from above,                     
From the Father of Lights, who is Unchangeable Love,
For by God's mighty hand merely opening                             
He can satisfy the desire of every living thing.
And with the Lord as my Shepherd, nothing shall I lack              
As no good thing from the upright will He hold back,              

Borne out by the Psalmist, who in old age gladly said              
He had ne'er seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

And my God has never failed, my every need He supplies

According to His riches in glory by Jesus Christ;
His every promise in Christ is Yea and Amen,                   

And in faith all may claim them, time and again.
For God cannot lie, His every word is true                          

And what He has promised He will faithfully do -
For He that spared not His own Son, who life eternal brings, 

How shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

Oh that men would praise God for the good things He has done,

And for His gift beyond words, His own beloved Son -               
For the unsearchable riches to be found in Him,                    
And for His measureless love, in dying for our sin.                 

Let us therefore, like David, praise God continually,                     
And bless Him at all times for His generosity;
His unfailing giving, let us ne'er take for granted or despise,
Remembering, whoe'er offers praise, our God glorifies.             

© Ian Caughey
Jam 1:17

Ps 145:16

Ps 23:1
Ps 84:11
Ps 37:25

Zeph 3:5; Phil 4:19

2 Cor 1:20

Num 23:19

Rom 8:32

Ps 107:8
2 Cor 9:15
Eph 3:8
Eph 3:18-19
Ps 34:1

Ps 50:23
A poem from the book “Touching Hearts

Could there be a more fitting opening to a selection of thanksgiving poems than a poem such as this – a poem of praise to the unfailing God we humbly and gratefully give thanks to – for His boundless giving.

The poem touches on a number of themes – God’s faithfulness in keeping his promises, His gracious provision for all our physical, material and spiritual needs, and a prompt to praise Him continually for favouring our lives with His great goodness and generosity.

Do you currently have a need in your life so great that you may be questioning whether God could ever really meet it?  If this describes your situation, may you draw encouragement from this poem to seek the God whose resources, love and power know neither limit nor boundary.
The Unfailing Giver