He Restoreth My Soul
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He restoreth my soul! O most blessed, precious thought –
I was the straying lamb He so tenderly sought,

And brought safely back to the comfort of His fold,
Where the everlasting arms my every care consoled.

He restoreth my soul! though great my transgression,
On my behalf, Jesus speaks, in earnest intercession;

And who can doubt, for one moment, these prayers’ efficacy,
As, in His hands, feet and side, His wounds plead for me.

He restoreth my soul! despite the tempter’s sore attack,
From the byways of sin, God yet made a way back, 

As this grieving penitent has joyously found restored
The sweet intimacy of close fellowship with the Lord.

He restoreth my soul! O wondrous compassion shown,

He never me did dismiss, cast off nor disown;
For He had plans for me, a unique role to fulfil,
Within the parameters of His all-wise, perfect will.

He restoreth my soul! He faithful did remain,

He gave me a fresh chance, He trusted me again,
As, through His Holy Spirit, He empowered me anew 
To take up the special work He called me now to do.

He restoreth my soul! O what a vast debt I owe –
He’ll neither leave nor forsake me; He’ll never let me go;

The work in me He began, assuredly He’ll complete 
At that day when all crowns are cast at Jesus’ feet. 
© Ian Caughey
Ps 23:3
Lk 15:3-4
Lk 15:5-7
Deut 33:27

Rom 8:34

Lk 15:11-24
Ps 38:18; 2 Cor 7:9
Hos 14:4-7; Is 57:15

Micah 7:18-19
Ps 94:14
Jer 29:11
Rom 12:2; 1 Jn 2:17

Lam 3:22-23
Mk 16:7
Acts 1:8

Heb 13:5
Phil 1:6
Rev 4:10-11
This poem takes its title from the precious promise in the famous and much loved 23rd psalm (The Lord is my Shepherd).

How wonderfully reassuring to know, should ever our footsteps stray from the Christian pathway, that our gracious Lord will never simply leave us in such a sad estate.  No, He lovingly and earnestly seeks our return to Him, desiring our restoration to the fulness of His blessing.

If perhaps today you have fallen or wandered far from God, may you draw comfort from the words of this poem.  God is faithful to forgive, to restore, and to re-commission for future usefulness.

Like the returning prodigal was gladly received by the father whose love for his son had never wavered or diminished, so it is with our Heavenly Father.  Why not return to the Lord today?
He Restoreth My Soul