No Place Like Home
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No Place Like Home

There's no place like home, I've often heard people say,
And how many would happily see things this way,
Regarding home as that infinitely special place
Where they strength can derive for the daily struggles they face,
Yes, an oasis of calm wherein they can find
A love that is of an unconditional kind.

Where the door is ever open, and the welcome always warm;
Where in peace they can rest, free from fear and alarm;
Where, of life's frantic madness, they can try to make sense;
And, where they can just be themselves, renouncing pretence,
But instead opening their hearts, and unburdening their cares,
By giving voice to their thoughts, and uplifting their prayers.

More than mere bricks and mortar, to protect from the elements,
But a source of companionship, counsel and comfort so immense;
A place where husbands and wives, parents and children can know
The mutual love that they share to blossom, deepen and grow,
With ties formed therein that simply naught e'er could break,
Though addresses may change, and life varying courses take.

The furnishings may be meagre, the house may be small,
With luxuries minimal, or non-existent at all;
But is a home not much more than just material things,
And can the relatively poor not still live like kings?
For where there's good food on the table, and a warm fire in the hearth
In a home full of love - is there any better place on earth?

But whilst home is where the heart is, yet how specially blessed
Is that abode where the unseen yet ever present guest
At each discourse, at each mealtime, and as each tear is shed
Is the Saviour Himself, in the home whereof He is Head;
For the occupants of such, supremely privileged, will know
A true foretaste of heaven, whilst on earth here below.

© Ian Caughey
The title of this poem is a much used and well-worn expression.  Millions around the globe would gladly affirm the truth of its sentiment.  But why exactly is there no place like home?  It is this poem’s purpose to answer that very question?

The answer, of course, has little to do with size, opulence or luxury.  It lies primarily in home being that secure and stable environment where loving ties can deepen and strengthen, where character is formed and values instilled, and where young and old alike can find the strength to face each new day.

Are not happy homes the essential building blocks of a healthy society? - the vital platform from which young adults, having learned from their parents’ example, can one day follow in their footsteps, to become home-makers themselves – as husbands, wives, and parents also.

Sadly, though, this portrayal of home will not mirror every household.  How encouraging then to realise that the Christ who can transform broken and sin-scarred lives can equally heal and mend hurting and broken homes.  And, when a person is made a new creation in Christ, their home will never be the same again.