A Mother's Love
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A Mother's Love

E'er since she first cradled him close to her breast
That precious little life so richly was blessed
With the priceless gift of a dear mother's love,
Bearing the very signature of none but God above.

And e'er since she first saw her helpless bundle of joy
A bond then was forged that simply naught could destroy,
But which would deepen and strengthen over the coming years,
Through both the joys and the laughter, plus the heartaches and tears.

And soon becoming responsive to his ear-piercing cries
She would tenderly wipe the tears from his tiny eyes;
She washed, fed, changed and clothed him at every step of the way,
Gently soothing each sorrow, no matter the time of day.

And over the years, as the family had grown
Each son and each daughter the same privilege have known -
A mother's undying and selfless devotion,
As deep and as wide as the vastest ocean.

She had faced tantrums and turmoils, disappointments and frights;
She had worried and prayed through long, drear sleepless nights;
Yet she gladly put herself last, though gratitude oft was lacking,
Always being there to support, to give counsel and backing.

And today those silken tresses and lines of sacrifice
Testify of a love that had willingly paid the price,
For to motherhood's noble claims she had answered the call,
And duly responded by giving nothing less than her all.

© Ian Caughey
Can anyone who has known the reality of a mother’s love ever begin to estimate the immensity of such a privilege?

Whom but God in His infinite goodness could fashion what surely is one of nature’s greatest marvels – the bond which exists between a mother and her child.

This poem is a tribute to mothers everywhere, for their immeasurable contribution to establishing, enriching and empowering the lives of their children.

If you’re a mum reading this poem today, may you be encouraged to draw renewed satisfaction from the faithful discharge of your most valuable and vital God-given role – as a mother.