A Prayer for Leprosy Sufferers
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A Prayer for Leprosy Sufferers

We pray for leprosy sufferers,
That we might see them healed.
We pray for those who work with them,
Out in the mission field.

We do not see the suffering,
Or the anguish they've endured.
But Lord, it is our heartfelt prayer
To see the victims cured.

We thank thee for thy Blessings, Lord
Bestowed on us each day.
Help us to be more caring,
And not just walk away.

Lord, teach us to be humble
Towards our fellow man,
By giving, and by praying,
And doing all we can.

So help us in our giving, Lord,
And lots of money raise,
From the people all around us
And we'll give thee all the praise.

To those who are afflicted, Lord,
We pray that they will find
Thy loving, tender mercies,
In body, soul and mind.
© Shirley Snowden
It was through learning of the work of the Leprosy Mission that my friend and fellow poet Shirley Snowden was moved with compassion to write this poetic prayer for leprosy sufferers.

In doing so Shirley not only discovered within herself a previously unrecognized talent for writing poetry, but her heartfelt poem has challenged many others to pray for and support this worthy cause. 

Those reading this poem may remember poignant images of the late Princess Diana (former patron of the Leprosy Mission) comforting those suffering from leprosy.  Though now largely a treatable condition, leprosy continues to blight lives, with recent figures showing there are still in excess of half a million sufferers in over 100 countries worldwide.

Christian compassion will always reveal itself in loving words and actions.  In remembering, praying for, and endeavouring to tangibly help those less fortunate than ourselves, we can derive great confort from the words of the Lord Jesus Christ – “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40)