My Happiest Day
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My Happiest Day

I listened intently to the radio evangelist,
As he related that salvation could so easily be missed,
And speaking earnestly that evening on the Saviour's return,
His parting challenge was one which into my heart did burn.

He said Christ for His people could return that very night,
And, with a heart gripped with fear, I realised he was right,
Knowing I must come to Jesus, and not one moment longer wait,
Lest my pleas for God's mercy should prove sadly too late.

Then kneeling down in the stillness, at my own bedside,
I looked in childlike faith to Christ the Crucified,
As I opened my heart's door, and asked the Saviour in,
Assured His precious blood would cleanse from every sin.

I'd been so wise to postpone not the decision until older,
For it was as if a heavy burden was rolled from my shoulder,
As an inexplicable peace flooded my heart and soul,
With a life broken by sin at that moment made whole.

And I still fondly remember my happiest day
When Jesus saved my soul, and washed all my sins away,
Pouring His mercy, love and grace into my every situation,
As I was made in Himself a brand new creation.

He gave my life purpose and meaning it had ne'er known before,
With those sinful inclinations now holding sway no more,
For, as an ever faithful friend, He is always right by my side
To comfort, strengthen and succour, as my Shepherd and Guide.

And what He has done in my life He can equally do for you,
So I urge and recommend you to receive now my Saviour too,
That you share the peace of mind which flows from the certainty
Your soul is safe and secure for both time and eternity.
© Ian Caughey
A poem from the book “Touching Hearts

If I could ask you right now “What was your happiest day?” could you tell me?

How many people will do almost anything for a “quick fix” of happiness, or alternatively, have expended much time and energy, only to discover that contentment and true happiness can sadly be strangely elusive commodities?

This aptly titled poem truly is a poem of thanksgiving for a momentous day which completely and irreversibly changed both my life and my eternal destiny forever.

Why not take some time and try to remember your happiest day or happiest moments.  Connecting with these times and the surge of emotions that accompanied them, and  perhaps writing about them, can help and sustain you through the more difficult days.