
Thank you Lord, for this new day,
For all the blessings sent my way.
For things that mean so much ... to me,
My health, my friends and family.

Thank you Lord, for eyes to see,
The beauty in the flowers and trees,
The rainbow, with it's colours bright,
The sun, the moon, the stars at night.

Thank you Lord for loving me,
So much .... you went to Calvary,
And there you died in agony,
You gave your love unselfishly.

Thank you Lord for saving me,
From sin you set me free,
Oh take me now and use me,
In service, Lord, for thee.

Thank you Lord, for giving me,
My gifts and talents too,
And help me Lord, to use them,
As you would have me do.

Oh give me Lord, a caring heart
For others in their need,
That I would be a help to them,
In thought, or word, or deed.

Lord, make me strong, when I am weak,
And help me know the words to speak
To dear lost souls I meet each day,
Just let me know the things to say.

Thank you Lord, for everything,
Gifts both great and small,
For the gift of 'Jesus Christ your Son',
I thank you most of all.

© Shirley Snowden
A widely known Christian song makes this wise suggestion – “Count your blessings, name them one by one / Count your blessings, see what God hath done.” 

One young man I read of recently, having done just that, had compiled what he termed his “joy list” – so called because, each time he read down the items on his list, it brought immense joy to his heart.

How easy it can be to focus on the one or two things which may, admittedly, bring grief, anxiety and sadness into our lives, whilst at the same time completely forgetting the ninety eight or ninety-nine other good things which enrich and gladden our days.

As you read Shirley Snowden’s lovely poem, why not similarly stop and take time to thank God for blessings such as your friends and family; your senses, abilities and talents; and that gift beyond words – God’s greatest gift - the Lord Jesus Christ.
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